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6th September: Is the Burden too Heavy?

I cannot carry all these people by myself; the burden is too heavy for me! Numbers 11:14 (NIV)

Do you find that these words of Moses are sometimes your own words? It is good to stop and look at ourselves again and see our position with the Almighty God. Sometimes we are so busy in our work helping people and patching people up, depending on our specialty, or even doing the Lord's work in our local church fellowship. The routine work then gets too heavy, and we find that we cannot cope. Do we say these words of Moses?

From what the Lord had done through him from the time they were in Egypt, Moses knew that it was the Lord who was in control. he did everything, even though he did it through Moses. Many miracles he did through Moses. Moses knew that without the Lord he couldn't achieve anything at all. Yet when the routine got heavy and the going touch (the people had made a golden calf idol, and now they were complaining to Moses again), he spoke as though God had done nothing. He could only look at himself again, his human capability and strength -- and of course he could not cope.

Let us reflect on our position in this world again. It is by grace that we have been saved. It is by grace that we are now living the Christian life. It is by grace that we are being sanctified (Eph 2:8-10). The burden may be heavy at times, but it is the Lord who carried it for us (1 Pet 5:7).

Lord, make these faithless hearts of ours
Such lessons learn from birds and flowers:
make them from self to cease,
Leave all things to a Father's will,
And taste, before him lying still,
E'en in affliction, peace.

J Anstice

Further reading: Nu 11:1-7. Ps 55:22. Gal 3:1-6.


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