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4th June: Communication

The Word became flesh and dwelt among us... full of grace and truth. John 1;14

We communicate in many ways, but basically by the spoken and written word. Yet in the most effective contacts we also communicate by our attitude. It is not simply what is said that matters, but the way it is said, and the actions that accompany and follow.

God communicated with man over many centuries, by the spoken, and by the written word. But finally, he communicated in the most effective way possible by coming among men -- the Living Communication: the Word. The infinite and absolute qualities of Deity have now become knowable in human terms! Just try to describe 'infinite power' -- or simply ponder a miracle of Christ. Define 'infinite knowledge' -- or just speak of the way our Lord knew what was in the hearts of men. Expound 'absolute love' -- or just point to his concern for a blind man, a fallen woman, or a dying thief. After all, he came to reveal the Father: 'Father, I have shown your Name (your Nature) unto the men you have given me' (Jn 17:6).*

Moses craved a deeper relationship with God: 'Show me now thy ways, that I may know thee' (Ex 33:13). We have the inestimable privilege that the Way has become man -- God has become knowable in human terms. Philip asked: 'Show us God'. 'See Me -- see God', Jesus replied (Jn 14:6-9).*

And what about men to whom the Word means nothing? We are a letter to them, says Paul. 'You are a letter from Christ'... 'written not with ink, but with the Spirit of the living God' (2 Cor 3:3 AV). He made the invisible God visible, he made absolute Holiness infinitely we?

Let the beauty of Jesus be seen in me,
All his wondrous compassion and purity.
O thou Spirit Divine, all my nature refine,
Till the beauty of Jesus be seen in me.

Tom Jones

Further reading: 1 Jn 1:1-4. Jn 14:1-11.


* The actual text has been paraphrased.

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