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27th April: The Extra Mile

If any one forces you to go one mile, go with him two miles. Matthew 5:41

'Going the second mile' is often taken to mean that Christians should always do more than duty demands. But when should they do this, and for what purpose? The context shows that the phrase does not mean that we should always be trying to excel our brightest colleagues in study, in the care of patients and in endless service for others. Such an attitude can clearly lead to over-tiredness, inefficiency and even breakdown.

The context shows that Christ was correcting the Pharisee's view about retaliation and getting our own back! The Old Testament had laid down basic justice. The just penalty did not have to be exacted, and certainly was not to be exceeded. But now, Christ says something more: 'resist not the evil person' -- in the sense of not rendering evil for evil. Do not attempt to get even with him, or bear him a grudge, or say 'he began it'. Go beyond that natural reaction and forgive him. It is a chance to show that you follow Christ's way.

Then Christ gave these illustrations: a blow on the cheek -- an injury to the body, and perhaps to one's pride; the loss of a coat -- an injury to one's possessions; and being compelled to go out of one's own way -- an infringement of liberty and a use of our time and effort. The Roman occupying forces could compel a Jew to carry certain burdens a distance of a mile: Christ taught that we should be prepared to suffer such injustices readily to turn an oppressor into a friend.

This then is the lesson of 'going the second mile'. We should forgive generously any colleague or patient who harms or inconveniences us, to make him our friend. Who is my 'bete noire'?

This (experience of persecution) will be your chance to witness for me (Lk 21:13 JBP).

Further reading: Mt 5:38-42. Acts 7:54-60.


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