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14th April: Lord, let me Share...

Bear one another's burdens, and so fulfil the law of Christ. Galatians 6:2

Lord God, the more I get to know the patients entrusted to my care, the more I sense the burden on their soul -- their unvoiced fears of illness and death: of being 'abandoned' by relatives, and totally dependent on the provision of nursing care; of possible loss of jobs; what a heavy load on their hearts and minds and, added to that, their physical suffering!

How often have I prayed for that deep and loving understanding of yours, dear Lord, such as when you responded to the special need of the Samaritan woman at the well and unmasked her desire for 'life-giving water'. But I recognise that I must first draw my living water from you, daily and humbly, in the total commitment of prayer -- or all will be of no avail.

To be there before you, Lord, that's all,
To shut the eyes of my body,
To shut the eyes of my soul,
And to be still and silent,
To be exposed to you who are there exposed to me.

Empty of all ideas, of all images,
Here I am, Lord, to meet you without obstacle.

But, Lord, I am not alone
I can no longer be alone,
For me live within me,
I have met them;
They have settled down;
They have worried me;
They have tormented me;
They have devoured me;
And I have allowed them Lord,
So they might be refreshed.

I bring them to you, Lord, as I come before you;
I expose them to you in exposing myself to you.
Here I am and here they are, Lord, before you.

Michel Quoist.

Further reading: Mk 6:30-37a. Jn 15:4-17.


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