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13th May: Guidance (2) -- Keep 'On Course'

I being in the way, the Lord led me. Genesis 24:27 (AV)

God's guidance is a natural consequence of being 'on course'. Anything that disrupts our fellowship with him obscures our vision and blunts our perception. Given a right relationship with God, his guidance may be unobtrusive, almost outside our conscious awareness, many decisions being dictated by common sense, albeit the common sense of a renewed mind. God promises to guide the meek in judgment (Ps 25:9). We are not to be stupid and mulish, to be pushed and pulled, but to be those with understanding minds enlightened and instructed (Ps 32:9), attuned to the mind of Christ. Maybe we can see only one step ahead. Take it and the way will open as do automatic doors on our approach.

Guidance may be by restraint. In Acts 16:6-10 Paul and Silas were forbidden by the Holy Spirit to speak the word in Asia. How (since it seemed so good a thing to do)? By a spoken word? a vision? or just a disquiet of heart, a lack of assurance, an unease, a 'something' that held them back? Then they saw a door marked 'Push'. They tried it. It did not yield (no harm in testing the doors). God has promised to tell us if we take a step in the wrong direction (Is 30:21). But for every door that closes there is one that opens. The invitation came to Macedonia. They weighted it up. They became satisfied ('assuredly gathering' AV, 'concluding' RSV) that this was God's call. Immediately they pushed forward. The way opened up. The wide door for effective work in Greece lay open, and it was a door that none could shut.

But sometimes God not only restrains us, he 'ejects' us from where we are. Paul longed to preach to the Jews (Rom 9:3). For this he was eminently fitted. But God had a different sphere for him, hence his rejection by the Jews; 'make haste and get quickly out...Depart, for I will send you far away...' (Acts 22:18-21). Well qualified for a particular appointment? Trained and prepared for it? in 'the running' -- even promised it and then by-passed? Don't bang your head against the brick wall of non-acceptance. Sometimes a misfit in one sphere is eminently suited for a successful and fruitful life in another. (But -- be certain that your rejection is not due to unpleasantness or incompetence!)

One step thou seest, then go forward boldly,
One step is far enough for faith to see.
Take that, and thy next duty shall be shown thee,
For dark and light are both alike to me.

Further reading: Acts 16:6-10. Acts 22:17-22. Acts 13:44-49.


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