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Why Suffering? (Confident Christianity)

A Study Guide on a Recurring Theme in Dialogue The Christian world view has a great deal more to say about suffering than any other religion or philosophy. It gives substantial (albeit incomplete) answers to our questions. The Bible is a practical book, not satisfying our idle intellectual curiosity (Mt 11:25)...

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The Place of Dialogue in Evangelism (Confident Christianity)

Some people argue that evangelism is a matter of the simple proclamation of Gospel truths, uncluttered by human arguments that appeal to fallen intellects. Christianity, they say, is an affair of the heart, not the mind and God alone can open blind eyes to see the glorious truth of the...

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Pre-Evangelism (Confident Christianity)

We cannot talk with non-Christians about the Gospel unless we first talk with them. But talking superficially is not enough. The Gospel involves serious life and death issues which are deeply personal, and if we jump in cold without first establishing a relationship with our hearers, we will only turn...

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How to Get Involved (this particularly relates to medical students) (Confident Christianity)

If you would like to get involved in dialogue evangelism discuss the various possibilities with other Christian leaders in your medical school. Review your programme, and pray through the implications. What do you think of the booklet? Would you like to distribute them, and how? What about a Talk-Back? How many...

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The Engel Scale (Confident Christianity)

Many people today, like the philosophers at Athens, are miles away in their thinking and their behaviour. A short presentation of the Gospel may be the first they have ever learned about Jesus. If they are to come to trust him, they will need to learn much more. Hopefully they...

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The Resurrection (Confident Christianity)

'Christianity stands or falls on the claim that Jesus Christ rose from the dead.' So claimed Ludwig Kennedy in a recent radio debate with Lord Rees-Mogg. He was right. The Apostle Paul put it even more bluntly: 'If Christ has not been raised, our preaching is useless and so is...

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Dionysius Dialogues - How God Speaks (nucleus - winter 1996)

Does God speak through the Church? Nitpickerus: So the Bible is authoritative and sufficient, but not exhaustive. You admit there are things that God doesn't reveal in it. Dionysius: Of course. There are revealed things and secret things.[1] Nitpickerus: Then does he reveal these things elsewhere? For example, can God speak...

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What Next? (The Greatest Person)

Many people have dismissed Christian belief on the basis of second-hand knowledge or ideas they had in childhood. It is very difficult to draw conclusions about Jesus without going through the Gospels for yourself, with your adult intelligent mind. If you feel it is time to do this, you might...

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The Greatest...Fiction? (The Greatest Person)

None of these aspects of Jesus' life is based on meagre evidence. They are major themes that permeate every piece of information we have about him. They are so interwoven that the only alternative approach is to maintain that the Jesus of the Gospels is substantially a figure of fiction...

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World Opinion? (The Greatest Person)

If you conducted an opinion poll on the entire population of the world, asking who is the greatest person who has ever lived, an overwhelming majority would surely choose Jesus Christ. He would be a long way ahead of his nearest rival. No other world figure commands such universal allegiance...

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