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Chapter 5 - A Doctor's Dilemma (Euthanasia Booklet)

In September 1992 Dr Nigel Cox, an experienced rheumatologist, was convicted of attempted murder for killing a terminally ill patient with intravenous potassium chloride. According to reports in the media, the patient suffered from severe rheumatoid arthritis, was bedbound, had a gastric ulcer and bedsores; all agreed that her life...

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Submission from CMF to the BMA Working Party on Advance Directives (01/01/1994)

Introduction Christian Medical Fellowship is interdenominational and has as members well over 4,000 British doctors who are Christians and who desire their professional and personal lives to be governed by...
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Chapter 2 - Thou Shalt Not Kill - The Christian case against compassionate killing (Euthanasia Booklet)

There are only two instances of voluntary euthanasia in the Bible. In the first, Abimelech, believing himself to be fatally wounded with a fractured skull after being hit on the head by a millstone, asks his armour-bearer to kill him. His request is granted and the Israelite leader is thus...

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Chapter 6 - Should Tube-feeding be Withdrawn in PVS? - A brief review of the issues (Euthanasia Booklet)

Introduction On the afternoon of Saturday April 15th 1989, 17 year old football fan Tony Bland was one of hundreds who suffered crush injuries at the Hillsborough Stadium tragedy in Sheffield. On arrival in hospital he was treated intensively with insertion of drains to his bilateral tension pneumothoraces, intubation and...

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Euthanasia - a Review of Recent Events (nucleus - autumn 1993)

Two recent court cases have fuelled calls for a change in British law regarding euthanasia. In the first, Nigel Cox, a Winchester rheumatologist, was found guilty of the attempted murder of a patient with rheumatologist arthritis, after giving her a lethal injection of potassium chloride in August 1991. He was...

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Submission from CMF to the Select Committee of the House of Lords on Medical Ethics (01/03/1993)

In Spring 1993 CMF was invited to make a Submission to the House of Lords' Select Committee on Medical Ethics, whose terms of reference were: 'to consider the ethical,...
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uniting & equipping Christian doctors & nurses
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