- What training will I receive?
We are committed to training volunteers well for each role. This will include relevant face to face training and, in some occasions, relevant courses.
- Who would be my line manager?
Line managers are CMF staff or, if present in your area, a Regional Team leader. Each role is linked to a department and you will be welcome to join in on training as relevant. We look to link you with a local CMFer for support and input where needed.
- How long would I need to commit for?
This will depend on the role. Some roles are ad-hoc with no minimum time commitment. Others benefit from a longer period of commitment which we can discuss with you.
- Why are there so many volunteer roles in CMF?
CMF is a diverse organization with 4 main aims (discipleship, evangelism, mission and values). We don’t see these roles as unfilled positions but instead, unrealized opportunities. The harvest is ripe – and we are called to send workers into the harvest fields! The opportunities are huge, and we are praying that God would raise up his people in these different areas to see transformed lives and situations.
- Why should I get involved with CMF?
At CMF we believe that God has planned in advance good works for us to do (Ephesians 2:10). We also believe that God’s church is his body and that we all have different gifts to bring and that he is building his church! Our service is a response to God’s love for us. All of this means that we want to see CMF members grow in their faith as they serve God in the places they spend most of their time. So we are committed to equipping people to do roles well and to seeing them grow in faith as they fulfill their roles. We are also committed to seeing our vision fulfilled and working as equal partners towards that goal of seeing medics and nurses living and speaking for Jesus in every area of medicine and nursing.