Current Consultations
Consultation responses
CMF regularly makes submissions to Government and other consultations on issues of ethical importance. Any current consultations will be accessible via this page, along with some briefing notes from us or trusted others to help you think through the issues involved. If you’re unsure how to complete a consultation, this Quick Guide should help you get started.
DHSC Consultation on Regulation of NHS Managers
 The consultation seeks views on the on the possibility of introducing a professional duty of candour for NHS managers. The intention is to improve accountability of managers with the overarching aim of ensuring patient safety. This is all in the context of delivering the new 10 Year Health Plan for the NHS.
Views on the type of regulation that may be most appropriate for leaders and managers will be considered, such as:
- which managers should be in scope for a future regulatory system
- what kind of body should exercise such a regulatory function
- consideration of the types of standards that managers should be required to demonstrate as part of a future system of regulation.
Read the consultation documentsÂ
The consultation closes on Tuesday, 18 February.  Participants are asked to complete an online survey.
CMF will submit a response on behalf of its membership, but all those with management and leadership responsibilities are encouraged to complete their own response in addition.