The Royal College of Psychiatrists consultation on abortion and mental health – let’s put this into perspective
Some people have expressed concern about an article published in the Daily Telegraph yesterday which…
Live blog: new mood of militancy among nurses
CMF's Head of Allied Professions, Steve Fouch (pictured below), is at the RCN Congress in Liverpool.…
Dorries and Field are not pro-life but their abortion amendments are a small step in the right direction
If you type ‘abortion’ into Google News these days you will find that most of the reports thrown…
Nan Maitland’s assisted suicide demonstrates the incremental extension that will follow any change in the law
According to the Sunday Times, an 84 year old British woman committed suicide at a Swiss facility last…
Missing midwives costs mothers’ lives
On 1 April 2011 Save the Children launched a campaign to find the missing midwives.
Save the Children’s…
Welsh teenagers to get morning-after pill over the counter – a plan that’ll backfire
I recently blogged on the fact, surprising to some, that morning-after pills don’t actually cut teen…
Pro-choice critics of the Dorries/Field amendments on abortion counselling are misrepresenting the medical facts
There has been considerable media interest in the fact that two MPs (Nadine Dorries and Frank Field)…
Putting the last first – medical mission on the front line
‘Every child should be able to access healthcare regardless of who they are and where they are born.’This…
Chinese baby girl cull backed by Britain – gender imbalance in China with British funding
Sex-selective abortions have led to severe gender imbalance in China, India and South Korea according…
‘23 week babies – the price of life’ on the BBC – a review
The recent BBC documentary ‘23 week babies – the price of life’ represented 6 months of filming…
New study shows that UK doctors consistently oppose euthanasia and assisted suicide
A new study suggests that doctors in the UK have opposed both euthanasia and assisted consistently over…
Video debate from the BMA on the Falconer Commission
The video below includes coverage of the full day’s business on Thursday’s Annual Representative Meeting of the British Medical Association. Dr Mark Pickering (Yorkshire Regional Councuil) speaks for ARM Motion 305 (from the time mark 1:56) and Wendy Savage speaks against (from time mark 2:01). The full debate and vote then follows Loading…Webcast Available Here […]
British Medical Association undermines credibility of Falconer Commission on Assisted Dying
The British Medical Association, representing 140,000 British doctors, has this morning questioned the stated impartiality and independence of Lord Falconer’s Commission on Assisted Dying, supported the BMA leadership’s stance in not giving evidence to it and called on the British Medical Journal Editorial team to present a balanced and unbiased coverage of the Commission. Delegates […]
This week’s hot topic is not PC
This week’s hot topic is not one many people have thought much about. But organ donation, and particularly ‘presumed consent’ (PC), is one we will all have to start thinking much more about in the next five years.  It was one of three debates on Tuesday (28 June) at the BMA, it has been covered […]
BMA still not listening on late abortion
On Tuesday 28 June the British Medical Association annual representative meeting voted against a motion which sought to provide legal protection for babies at the threshold of viability by a two to one majority. The motion, proposed by John O’Driscoll of the Worcestershire division, read as follows:’ That this Meeting believes that the legal limit for […]
A footnote on Falconer
I posted on Monday the transcript from Charlie Falconer’s disastrous interview with Radio Four’s Ed Stourton, where the noble Lord was forced to concede that his commission on assisted dying was stacked full of the usual suspects and was tied in verbal knots trying to explain how it was still going to deliver an objectively […]
How guilty is the West in the missing millions of girls?
Blogging last week about the impact of sex selective abortion in Asia, I speculated on the cultural and socio-economic factors that were leading families to use ultrasound and other in-utero screening technologies to identify girl children and have them aborted. Little had I (or many of us) realised just how implicated the international aid community […]
BMA rejects request to reconsider its position on presumed consent for organ donation – bad decision!
The British Medical Association today (Tuesday 28 June) rejected a motion calling it to reconsider its position on presumed consent for organ donation. This has happened just as the Welsh Assembly has announced it is introducing a bill to legalise presumed consent. The BMA supports presumed consent but Welsh doctors were trying to get it […]
BMA rejects move to lower upper abortion limit to 20 weeks for normal babies as six US States bring in laws to support it
In view of the BMA debate today on lowering the upper abortion limit for able-bodied (as opposed to disabled) babies from 24 to 20 weeks (lost by 2 to 1 majority btw) I was interested to see this article yesterday in the New York Times, ‘Several States Forbid Abortion After 20 Weeks’. It’s primarily a […]
Falconer confirms bias in composition of his Commission on Assisted Dying ahead of BMA debate on its legitimacy
Former Lord Chancellor Charles Falconer (pictured) appeared on the Radio Four Sunday programme this morning as his controversial ‘commission on assisted dying’ will begin to consider the ‘evidence’ it has gathered this coming Wednesday. Falconer’s commission was set up last November at the instigation of Dignity in Dying (formerly the Voluntary Euthanasia Society). The commission […]
BMA attempts to skew debate on abortion upper time limit
I was interested to see this week a briefing paper on abortion provided by the British Medical Association in advance of a debate at the BMA annual representative meeting (ARM) this coming Tuesday (28 June). The BMA’s Worcestershire division has proposed a motion (304) that the BMA support a reduction in upper time limits for abortion. […]
Assisted suicide is still suicide and has devastating effects on those left behind
The BBC2 documentary ‘Choosing to die’ was an attempt by the pro-euthanasia lobby, aided by the BBC, to romanticise and normalise suicide. After witnessing a man with motor neurone take his own life by drinking poison at the Dignitas facility, Terry Pratchett, fantasy novelist and patron of the Voluntary Euthanasia Society (now rebranded ‘Dignity in Dying’), […]
Sex selective abortion is devastating the health of women and girls
A UN report published yesterday (23 June) suggests that not only is sex selective abortion becoming a growing trend in many Asian countries, it is also having huge health and social consequences for women and girls. Sadly, this is not news. Over twenty years ago, the Indian writer and thinker Amartya Sen wrote about the […]