Morning-after pills don’t cut teen pregnancy rates
Morning-after pills don’t cut teen pregnancy according to a new study due to be published in the Journal…
CMF members blog from Haiti
Over the last few weeks, nine CMF members have been working in Haiti, as part of a Samaritan's Purse…
Euthanasia bills fall at first hurdle
Last November I reported on the overwhelming defeat in the Scottish Parliament of Margo Macdonald’s…
The ‘ultrasound’ Jesus reminds us of the meaning of the incarnation
The creators of the 2010 ‘Christmas Starts With Christ' campaign say that its purpose is to bring attention…
How common is abortion to save the life of the mother?
Ireland’s ban on abortion was upheld this week by the European Court of Human Rights in a case brought…
A new exhibition touring the United States is highlighting lessons to be learned from the Nazi doctors
Most when remembering the holocaust will think of six million Jews but apparently this was only the final…
Two letters to the Times regarding Lord Falconer’s Commission on Assisted Dying
I have had two letters regarding Lord Falconer's Commission on Assisted Dying published on the Times…
Former Lord Chancellor misrepresents law on assisted suicide in national newspaper
Yesterday the Care Not Killing Alliance wrote to Lord Falconer, the former Lord Chancellor (pictured),…
ICMDA HIV Initiative 2010 Dignity and Right to Health Awards
The joint winners of the 2010 Dignity and Right to Health award are Dr Gisela Schneider from Germany…
More knowledge of fetal development leads to new US laws making late abortion illegal
In April this year the US state of Nebraska legislature signed off a bill that could weaken further the…
Chile’s president says country’s respect for life mandated great efforts to save lives of Chilean miners
I see that 26 of the rescued Chilean miners have just been welcomed to Manchester United by football…
The DPP needs to explain to Parliament why she has effectively decriminalised physician assisted suicide
In an astounding about face for the Crown Prosecution Service, the Director of Public Prosecutions, Alison Saunders (pictured), has today rewritten her prosecution policy so that doctors can now be involved in assisting suicide without fear of prosecution, provided they don’t have a professional relationship with those they ‘help’ (See Daily Mail here and here, Daily Telegraph, […]
Survey into your experience of being a Christian in your workplace – please contribute!
The Equality and Human Rights Commission (EHRC) is conducting a major research exercise into how well freedom of religion and belief is protected in the UK. The Government is reviewing current legislation and wants to hear about your experiences, both positive and negative. It has tasked EHRC with the job of collecting evidence from a […]
Sierra Leone is where British boots on the ground are really needed
As the British government convened a pledging conference for Ebola in London Thursday, a group of 34 NGOs called for the deployment of ‘military capacity’ to contain the disease in West Africa. There is a letter in today’s Lancet along the same lines. Here is the Joint statement from 34 NGOs issued yesterday by the International Conference on Effective International Response to […]
Taking nothing for granted – reflections from a missionary in Ecuador
It was a situation I never, in all honesty, expected to find myself in. A fellow missionary had phoned asking me to see a short-term volunteer who was, “suffering from a bit of asthma.” Two hours later I was in the back of our pick-up truck, performing resuscitation when the bumps allowed, while my husband […]
A Christian vision for nursing – a report from the NCFI Europe conference
In September, 100 Christian nurses from 15 European nations, (and three non-European ones) gathered in Madrid to look at the Christian vision of whole person nursing. This was the Ninth European Regional Conference of Nurses Christian Fellowship International (NCFI) Europe is a very diverse region, and we enjoyed sharing in each other’s national costumes, […]
Euthanasia deaths in the Netherlands continue their relentless rise
According to Dutch media reports today, euthanasia deaths in the Netherlands in 2013 increased by 15% to 4,829. This follows increases of 13% in 2009, 19% in 2010,18% in 2011 and 13% in 2012. In fact from 2006 to 2013 there has been a steady increase in numbers each year with successive annual deaths at 1923, 2120, 2331, […]
Why are the Home Secretary and Metropolitan Police allowing this man to operate in Britain?
Notorious Australian euthanasia campaigner Philip Nitschke has been in the news again. Last week, it was reported that his organisation Exit International was establishing a London office to ‘cope with demand’ from UK citizens for assisted suicide. The group, which charges members a fee to access online information and attend workshops to discuss […]
What is the true cost of ‘wrongful births’?
A tiny article in a free Metro newspaper last week caught my attention: ‘Wrongful birth bill hits £56.1 million. Hospitals have paid out more than £10 million a year in compensation to mothers who had a disabled baby without being offered the chance to have an abortion. The NHS Bill over so-called ‘wrongful birth’ cases […]
A great video on depression and an insight from one of the world’s greatest preachers who suffered from it
‘The Black Dog’ was Winston Churchill’s famous name for depressed mood. I was sent today a link to a YouTube video on depression which I had not previously seen, but which deserves much wider viewing. ‘I had a black dog, his name was depression’ is only four minutes long. Do take a look. Millions have […]
Thank you, Professor Dawkins!
Thank you, Professor Dawkins! Who said nothing ever happens in August! Just as we were looking forward to a quiet bank holiday weekend, up pops Prof Dawkins with a disturbing tweet. Responding to another Twitter posting by a woman admitting she would face a ‘“real ethical dilemma”’ if she became pregnant and found she was […]
When is genetic modification not genetic modification? When the Government decides it isn’t
Ministers know there is widespread public opposition to growing genetically modified (GM) crops in the UK, and will therefore appreciate that if more of the general public were aware that they are planning to allow GM babies to be created, using completely experimental techniques, there would be far more concern and opposition to it. So […]
Whose baby is it? Another tragic case from an IVF mix-up
Most of the major newspapers have highlighted the news from Italy of an impending court battle between two different sets of ‘parents’, fighting over soon-to-be-born twins. An Italian woman is shortly to give birth to twins from embryos that were implanted at a fertility clinic during IVF treatment, but, as a result of a mistake, […]