Morning-after pills don’t cut teen pregnancy rates
Morning-after pills don’t cut teen pregnancy according to a new study due to be published in the Journal…
CMF members blog from Haiti
Over the last few weeks, nine CMF members have been working in Haiti, as part of a Samaritan's Purse…
Euthanasia bills fall at first hurdle
Last November I reported on the overwhelming defeat in the Scottish Parliament of Margo Macdonald’s…
The ‘ultrasound’ Jesus reminds us of the meaning of the incarnation
The creators of the 2010 ‘Christmas Starts With Christ' campaign say that its purpose is to bring attention…
How common is abortion to save the life of the mother?
Ireland’s ban on abortion was upheld this week by the European Court of Human Rights in a case brought…
A new exhibition touring the United States is highlighting lessons to be learned from the Nazi doctors
Most when remembering the holocaust will think of six million Jews but apparently this was only the final…
Two letters to the Times regarding Lord Falconer’s Commission on Assisted Dying
I have had two letters regarding Lord Falconer's Commission on Assisted Dying published on the Times…
Former Lord Chancellor misrepresents law on assisted suicide in national newspaper
Yesterday the Care Not Killing Alliance wrote to Lord Falconer, the former Lord Chancellor (pictured),…
ICMDA HIV Initiative 2010 Dignity and Right to Health Awards
The joint winners of the 2010 Dignity and Right to Health award are Dr Gisela Schneider from Germany…
More knowledge of fetal development leads to new US laws making late abortion illegal
In April this year the US state of Nebraska legislature signed off a bill that could weaken further the…
Chile’s president says country’s respect for life mandated great efforts to save lives of Chilean miners
I see that 26 of the rescued Chilean miners have just been welcomed to Manchester United by football…
Ethical objections to embryo research can trigger genuine progress
An admission from scientists in the latest issue of the journal Nature, that production of three-parent embryos may not accomplish the stated goals, reminds me of a promise made by then Prime Minister Gordon Brown in 2008, one that most people have long forgotten. In fact, I suspect that many MPs and a good number of scientists […]
Discovering silence and solitude
It is surprisingly difficult for us to handle silence. Blaise Pascal (1623-1662) the brilliant French mathematician and philosopher famously wrote, “All the unhappiness of men arises from one single fact, they cannot stay quietly in their own room.” I find that amazingly profound. It is even more true today in our frenetic fast paced technology driven world than […]
Let’s invest more in relationships
This week is Mental Health Awareness Week. The Mental Health Foundation are focusing this year on the need for relationships to help improve mental health. They tell us that we urgently need a greater focus on the quality of our relationships, to prevent and help alleviate mental health breakdown. We need to understand just how […]
How to grow in resilience // podcast
‘That which does not kill us, makes us stronger’, so said the German philosopher Friedrich Nietzsche. It’s a great quote, but I have to say that it is not necessarily automatic! As I have got older I have found my need for resilience has grown greater. And I am convinced that experience is not unique […]
Midwives are meant to save unborn lives, not destroy them
According to the Royal College of Midwives (RCM), which is meant to represent all midwives, the role and duty of midwives must now also include assisting in ending the lives of unborn babies. And, the RCM makes clear in a new statement, if you refuse you have limited right of appeal. It has recently come […]
The CEO of the Royal College of Midwives must step down over this abortion scandal
The Royal College of Midwives (RCM) has come under fire for backing the BPAS ‘We Trust Women’ Campaign, which advocates the decriminalisation of abortion up until birth. RCM CEO Cathy Warwick gave her backing to the controversial campaign back in February, when she said that the campaign had the College’s ‘full support’. This will surprise […]
New RCM abortion statement is a further assault on freedom of conscience
Fallout from the Glasgow Midwives case continues to roll out. This month the Royal College of Midwives (RCM) released (rather quietly) their new position statement on abortion. The case of Doogan & Wood highlighted an issue with the conscientious objection clause in the 1967 Abortion Act. Specifically this was around what constituted actually being involved […]
Halfway Through this Journey: Talking about dying
Benjamin Franklin is widely credited with the pithy aphorism ‘in this world nothing can be said to be certain, except death and taxes.’ After the recent leaks from the Panamanian tax firm Mossack Fonseca we have learnt that the super-rich may be exempt from the latter, but neither wealth nor virtue spares any of us […]
‘Dear Mr Hunt, listen to the real experts…’
It is not only junior doctors who are trying to get their voices heard by Jeremy Hunt. One young lady last week made an impassioned plea directly to the health minister, on an issue that is arguably more about life and death than is the case with employment contracts. Her speech has been watched thousands […]
Rise of the Healthcare Robots: Five Ethical Issues To Consider
Once considered the subject of our imagination, best left in the realm of science fiction, robots are now a growing technology that is rapidly changing our world. We have become accustomed to seeing them on our TV screens in cartoons such as The Jetsons (1962-1988) or in films such as Big Hero 6 (2014), Elysium […]
What’s in a name? Some interesting facts about the new Francis Crick Institute
With the recent news about the Francis Crick Institute and the HFEA’s decision to allow one of its scientists, Dr. Kathy Niakin, to conduct research into the controversial embryo gene editing technique Crispr-Cas 9, we thought it would be interesting to find out more about the organisation that is pioneering germline (inheritable) genetic engineering. What […]
My right to have non-politically correct views
Two years ago I posted a blog about the censuring of debate and free speech which is probably more relevant than ever. That blog had been prompted by an earlier incident at Cambridge where I had been on the receiving end of attacks on my freedom to speak. It was not at the level that […]