Morning-after pills don’t cut teen pregnancy rates
Morning-after pills don’t cut teen pregnancy according to a new study due to be published in the Journal…
CMF members blog from Haiti
Over the last few weeks, nine CMF members have been working in Haiti, as part of a Samaritan's Purse…
Euthanasia bills fall at first hurdle
Last November I reported on the overwhelming defeat in the Scottish Parliament of Margo Macdonald’s…
The ‘ultrasound’ Jesus reminds us of the meaning of the incarnation
The creators of the 2010 ‘Christmas Starts With Christ' campaign say that its purpose is to bring attention…
How common is abortion to save the life of the mother?
Ireland’s ban on abortion was upheld this week by the European Court of Human Rights in a case brought…
A new exhibition touring the United States is highlighting lessons to be learned from the Nazi doctors
Most when remembering the holocaust will think of six million Jews but apparently this was only the final…
Two letters to the Times regarding Lord Falconer’s Commission on Assisted Dying
I have had two letters regarding Lord Falconer's Commission on Assisted Dying published on the Times…
Former Lord Chancellor misrepresents law on assisted suicide in national newspaper
Yesterday the Care Not Killing Alliance wrote to Lord Falconer, the former Lord Chancellor (pictured),…
ICMDA HIV Initiative 2010 Dignity and Right to Health Awards
The joint winners of the 2010 Dignity and Right to Health award are Dr Gisela Schneider from Germany…
More knowledge of fetal development leads to new US laws making late abortion illegal
In April this year the US state of Nebraska legislature signed off a bill that could weaken further the…
Chile’s president says country’s respect for life mandated great efforts to save lives of Chilean miners
I see that 26 of the rescued Chilean miners have just been welcomed to Manchester United by football…
When the foundations are being destroyed – reflections at a time of national crisis
‘When the foundations are being destroyed what can the righteous do?’ (Psalm 11:3) We live in times when the very foundations of our civilisation are being destroyed: the NHS with its burgeoning needs and shrinking budgets, mounting national debt, political and economic uncertainty following ‘Brexit’, the threat of Islamic fundamentalism, creeping atheism and secular […]
Mother permitted to give birth to her dead daughter’s child
Following a Court of Appeal battle a 60-year-old woman has been granted permission to take her dead daughter’s frozen eggs to a US fertility treatment clinic, to fertilise them with donor sperm and then (assuming success) to carry the embryos and (she hopes) give birth to her own grandchild. Or should I say her own […]
Weathering the Ebola storm
As of 10Â June, for the first time in two and a half years, all three West African nations have been declared Ebola free and have remained that way for longer than 24 hours. As the two-year anniversary of my initial time in Liberia approaches, I have been reflecting on a blog post I wrote in […]
New parliamentary inquiry launched to review freedom of conscience in abortion
A new parliamentary inquiry into freedom of conscience over abortion has just been launched. Commissioned by Fiona Bruce MP, it seeks to examine whether the Conscience Clause in the 1967 Abortion Act provides adequate protection for doctors and other healthcare professionals who do not wish to be involved, directly or indirectly, in termination of pregnancy. […]
BMA rejects attempt to push it neutral on assisted suicide by 2 to 1 majority
Yesterday the Annual Representative Meeting (ARM) of the British Medical Association (BMA) in Belfast voted against going neutral on assisted suicide by a two to one majority (see detail here). Delegates rejected motion 80, ‘that this meeting believes that the BMA should adopt a neutral stance on assisted dying’, by 198 to 115 (63% to 37%). The […]
The BMA should reject this latest attempt to push it neutral on assisted suicide and euthanasia
On 21 June, the Annual Representative Meeting (ARM) of the British Medical Association (BMA) will consider two motions on assisted suicide. The BMA is the UK’s professional association and registered trade union for doctors and currently has 170,000 members. It has been opposed to the legalisation of assisted suicide and euthanasia for every year of its history with the exception of […]
Healthcare apps: helpful or harmful?
From finding a carpark to counting our calories, apps now cover virtually every area of our lives, including in healthcare. A 2011 General Medical Council survey showed 30% of doctors use a smartphone for medical apps. This will have increased significantly in the last five years. In addition, health apps, ranging from health and fitness […]
Helping women when they need it most
In early May, statistics from a global study on abortion revealed shocking statistics showing that one in four or 25 percent of pregnancies worldwide were aborted. Statistics showed there was a drop in the numbers of women seeking abortions in developed regions such as Europe. However, the high global statistics – jumping from around 50 […]
Good news on three-parent embryos… or maybe not
According to media reports, it is now safe to produce three-parent embryos! We are well on the way to providing new treatments for women who have inheritable mitochondrial disorders! We just need the HFEA to issue the first licence to a clinic and soon healthy children will be born, free of disease. Ok, perhaps that […]
New three-parent embryo research leaves many questions unanswered
A new IVF-based technique ‘is likely to lead to normal pregnancies and reduce the risk that babies born will have mitochondrial disease’, according to researchers at the Wellcome Trust Centre for Mitochondrial Disease at Newcastle University. Published on Wednesday 8 June 2016 in the journal Nature, scientists report the first in-depth analysis of human embryos […]
Brexit and bioethics
On 23 June 2016, Britons will make the most important political decision of a generation: we will determine whether Britain exits or remains in the European Union (EU). The debate about the pros and cons of ‘Brexit’ and ‘Bremain’ will undoubtedly continue until polling day. It’s good for Christians to engage with political matters because […]
Going to church is good for your health
Nurses generally live healthy lives. But a new study shows that going to church could dramatically improve your health. The Harvard study followed almost 75,000 nurses over 20 years, interviewing them every two years on key indicators such as socioeconomic status, physical activity, social integration, smoking and mental health. There was a dose dependent response […]