CMF student groups
Students meet once a month, usually over food, to support and encourage each other, to pray, and to look at issues at the interface of faith and nursing/midwifery. This might take the form of a Bible study on compassionate care or look at an ethical issue eg. sharing faith, new technologies, suffering or abortion.
CMF aims to deepen the spiritual life of nursing and midwifery students, empower them to examine and apply Scripture as it relates to nursing and midwifery, and equip them by providing resources on relevant topics. We also aim to link them with local qualified Christian nurses and midwives, who can mentor and pray for them.
in order to start a group
We need to know that there are several local Christian student nurses and midwives who want a group, and in particular at least two students who have the enthusiasm (and reliability!) to be student reps. We provide Bible studies, resources and occasionally speakers for the group, so leading it is made as easy as possible. If you want to explore starting a group at your university, please contact Pippa on
Currently, CMF nurse & midwife groups are set up in:
1. Belfast
2. Birmingham
3. Bristol
4. Cambridge
5. Dundee
6. Edinburgh
7. Gloucester
8. Keele
9. Leeds
(integrated with medics)
10. London
11. Manchester
12. Nottingham
13. Oxford
14. Sheffield
15. Southampton
16. Surrey
17. Swansea
We are also in the process of setting up groups in Brighton, Plymouth, Cardiff, Chester, Glasgow and Aberdeen, but are open to considering other universities where there is interest.
‘I have loved being in a CMF group this year, being with others who know exactly what it’s like to be a Christian and a student and a nurse, with all the challenges that brings. Looking at key things like keeping our faith and compassion strong has been so helpful…’
Becky, 2nd year nursing student